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//! Time is an abstraction of dates and times.
//! This module implements the [`Time`] class from Ruby Core.
//! In Artichoke, Time is represented as a 64-bit signed integer of seconds
//! since January 1, 1970 UTC and an unsigned 32-bit integer of subsecond
//! nanoseconds. This allows representing roughly 584 billion years.
//! You can use this class in your application by accessing it directly. As a
//! Core class, it is globally available:
//! ```ruby
//! ```
//! This implementation of `Time` supports the system clock via the
//! [`spinoso-time`] crate.
//! [`Time`]:
use crate::convert::HeapAllocatedData;
use crate::extn::prelude::*;
pub mod args;
pub(in crate::extn) mod mruby;
pub mod offset;
pub mod subsec;
pub(super) mod trampoline;
pub use spinoso_time::tzrs::*;
impl HeapAllocatedData for Time {
const RUBY_TYPE: &'static str = "Time";
impl From<TimeError> for Error {
fn from(error: TimeError) -> Error {
mod tests {
use crate::test::prelude::*;
const SUBJECT: &str = "Time";
const FUNCTIONAL_TEST: &[u8] = include_bytes!("time_test.rb");
fn functional() {
let mut interp = interpreter();
let result = interp.eval(FUNCTIONAL_TEST);
unwrap_or_panic_with_backtrace(&mut interp, SUBJECT, result);
let result = interp.eval(b"spec");
unwrap_or_panic_with_backtrace(&mut interp, SUBJECT, result);