mruby.rsuse std::ffi::CStr;
use crate::extn::prelude::*;
use crate::extn::stdlib::securerandom::{self, trampoline};
const SECURE_RANDOM_CSTR: &CStr = qed::const_cstr_from_str!("SecureRandom\0");
pub fn init(interp: &mut Artichoke) -> InitializeResult<()> {
interp.def_file_for_type::<_, SecureRandomFile>("securerandom.rb")?;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct SecureRandomFile {
_private: (),
impl File for SecureRandomFile {
type Artichoke = Artichoke;
type Error = Error;
fn require(interp: &mut Self::Artichoke) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
if interp.is_module_defined::<securerandom::SecureRandom>() {
return Ok(());
let spec = module::Spec::new(interp, "SecureRandom", SECURE_RANDOM_CSTR, None)?;
module::Builder::for_spec(interp, &spec)
.add_self_method("alphanumeric", securerandom_alphanumeric, sys::mrb_args_opt(1))?
.add_self_method("base64", securerandom_base64, sys::mrb_args_opt(1))?
.add_self_method("urlsafe_base64", securerandom_urlsafe_base64, sys::mrb_args_opt(2))?
.add_self_method("hex", securerandom_hex, sys::mrb_args_opt(1))?
.add_self_method("random_bytes", securerandom_random_bytes, sys::mrb_args_opt(1))?
.add_self_method("random_number", securerandom_random_number, sys::mrb_args_opt(1))?
.add_self_method("uuid", securerandom_uuid, sys::mrb_args_none())?
unsafe extern "C" fn securerandom_alphanumeric(mrb: *mut sys::mrb_state, _slf: sys::mrb_value) -> sys::mrb_value {
let len = mrb_get_args!(mrb, optional = 1);
unwrap_interpreter!(mrb, to => guard);
let len =|len| guard.convert(len));
let result = trampoline::alphanumeric(&mut guard, len);
match result {
Ok(value) => value.inner(),
Err(exception) => error::raise(guard, exception),
unsafe extern "C" fn securerandom_base64(mrb: *mut sys::mrb_state, _slf: sys::mrb_value) -> sys::mrb_value {
let len = mrb_get_args!(mrb, optional = 1);
unwrap_interpreter!(mrb, to => guard);
let len =|len| guard.convert(len));
let result = trampoline::base64(&mut guard, len);
match result {
Ok(value) => value.inner(),
Err(exception) => error::raise(guard, exception),
unsafe extern "C" fn securerandom_urlsafe_base64(mrb: *mut sys::mrb_state, _slf: sys::mrb_value) -> sys::mrb_value {
let (len, padding) = mrb_get_args!(mrb, optional = 2);
unwrap_interpreter!(mrb, to => guard);
let len =|len| guard.convert(len));
let padding =|padding| guard.convert(padding));
let result = trampoline::urlsafe_base64(&mut guard, len, padding);
match result {
Ok(value) => value.inner(),
Err(exception) => error::raise(guard, exception),
unsafe extern "C" fn securerandom_hex(mrb: *mut sys::mrb_state, _slf: sys::mrb_value) -> sys::mrb_value {
let len = mrb_get_args!(mrb, optional = 1);
unwrap_interpreter!(mrb, to => guard);
let len =|len| guard.convert(len));
let result = trampoline::hex(&mut guard, len);
match result {
Ok(value) => value.inner(),
Err(exception) => error::raise(guard, exception),
unsafe extern "C" fn securerandom_random_bytes(mrb: *mut sys::mrb_state, _slf: sys::mrb_value) -> sys::mrb_value {
let len = mrb_get_args!(mrb, optional = 1);
unwrap_interpreter!(mrb, to => guard);
let len =|len| guard.convert(len));
let result = trampoline::random_bytes(&mut guard, len);
match result {
Ok(value) => value.inner(),
Err(exception) => error::raise(guard, exception),
unsafe extern "C" fn securerandom_random_number(mrb: *mut sys::mrb_state, _slf: sys::mrb_value) -> sys::mrb_value {
let max = mrb_get_args!(mrb, optional = 1);
unwrap_interpreter!(mrb, to => guard);
let max =|max| guard.convert(max));
let result = trampoline::random_number(&mut guard, max);
match result {
Ok(value) => value.inner(),
Err(exception) => error::raise(guard, exception),
unsafe extern "C" fn securerandom_uuid(mrb: *mut sys::mrb_state, _slf: sys::mrb_value) -> sys::mrb_value {
mrb_get_args!(mrb, none);
unwrap_interpreter!(mrb, to => guard);
let result = trampoline::uuid(&mut guard);
match result {
Ok(value) => value.inner(),
Err(exception) => error::raise(guard, exception),