1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
//! Types supporting the UTF-8 parser
/// Action to take when receiving a byte
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Action {
/// Unexpected byte; sequence is invalid
InvalidSequence = 0,
/// Received valid 7-bit ASCII byte which can be directly emitted.
EmitByte = 1,
/// Set the bottom continuation byte
SetByte1 = 2,
/// Set the 2nd-from-last continuation byte
SetByte2 = 3,
/// Set the 2nd-from-last byte which is part of a two byte sequence
SetByte2Top = 4,
/// Set the 3rd-from-last continuation byte
SetByte3 = 5,
/// Set the 3rd-from-last byte which is part of a three byte sequence
SetByte3Top = 6,
/// Set the top byte of a four byte sequence.
SetByte4 = 7,
/// States the parser can be in.
/// There is a state for each initial input of the 3 and 4 byte sequences since
/// the following bytes are subject to different conditions than a tail byte.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum State {
/// Ground state; expect anything
Ground = 0,
/// 3 tail bytes
Tail3 = 1,
/// 2 tail bytes
Tail2 = 2,
/// 1 tail byte
Tail1 = 3,
/// UTF8-3 starting with E0
U3_2_e0 = 4,
/// UTF8-3 starting with ED
U3_2_ed = 5,
/// UTF8-4 starting with F0
Utf8_4_3_f0 = 6,
/// UTF8-4 starting with F4
Utf8_4_3_f4 = 7,
impl State {
/// Advance the parser state.
/// This takes the current state and input byte into consideration, to determine the next state
/// and any action that should be taken.
pub fn advance(self, byte: u8) -> (State, Action) {
match self {
State::Ground => match byte {
0x00..=0x7f => (State::Ground, Action::EmitByte),
0xc2..=0xdf => (State::Tail1, Action::SetByte2Top),
0xe0 => (State::U3_2_e0, Action::SetByte3Top),
0xe1..=0xec => (State::Tail2, Action::SetByte3Top),
0xed => (State::U3_2_ed, Action::SetByte3Top),
0xee..=0xef => (State::Tail2, Action::SetByte3Top),
0xf0 => (State::Utf8_4_3_f0, Action::SetByte4),
0xf1..=0xf3 => (State::Tail3, Action::SetByte4),
0xf4 => (State::Utf8_4_3_f4, Action::SetByte4),
_ => (State::Ground, Action::InvalidSequence),
State::U3_2_e0 => match byte {
0xa0..=0xbf => (State::Tail1, Action::SetByte2),
_ => (State::Ground, Action::InvalidSequence),
State::U3_2_ed => match byte {
0x80..=0x9f => (State::Tail1, Action::SetByte2),
_ => (State::Ground, Action::InvalidSequence),
State::Utf8_4_3_f0 => match byte {
0x90..=0xbf => (State::Tail2, Action::SetByte3),
_ => (State::Ground, Action::InvalidSequence),
State::Utf8_4_3_f4 => match byte {
0x80..=0x8f => (State::Tail2, Action::SetByte3),
_ => (State::Ground, Action::InvalidSequence),
State::Tail3 => match byte {
0x80..=0xbf => (State::Tail2, Action::SetByte3),
_ => (State::Ground, Action::InvalidSequence),
State::Tail2 => match byte {
0x80..=0xbf => (State::Tail1, Action::SetByte2),
_ => (State::Ground, Action::InvalidSequence),
State::Tail1 => match byte {
0x80..=0xbf => (State::Ground, Action::SetByte1),
_ => (State::Ground, Action::InvalidSequence),