Crate mezzaluna_conversion_methods

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Ruby implicit conversion vocabulary types.

This crate provides a lookup table for Ruby object conversion methods and their metadata. It maps method names to their C string equivalents and categorizes them as either implicit conversions or coercions. This is used when booting an Artichoke interpreter and for implementing native Ruby object conversion routines.


use intaglio::bytes::SymbolTable;
use mezzaluna_conversion_methods::{ConvMethods, InitError};

let mut symbols = SymbolTable::new();
let methods = ConvMethods::new();
let table = methods.get_or_init(&mut symbols)?;
assert_eq!(table.len(), 12);

let method = methods.find_method(&mut symbols, "to_int")?;


  • Represents a single Ruby conversion method, including its name, C string representation, unique identifier, and whether it is an implicit conversion.
  • A table of Ruby conversion methods and their metadata.
  • Error type for conversion method table initialization failures.


  • Whether the conversion is implicit, like #to_int, or a coercion, like #to_i.


  • Defines the supported Ruby object conversion methods and their metadata.